2019 April Special Board Meeting

The April special board meeting will be held on April 23-24, 2019 at 10:00 AM at Shangri-La Resort, Monkey Island, Oklahoma, at 57301 East Highway 125. Approved Minutes

2019 April Board Meeting

The April board meeting will be held on Thursday the 18th at 10:00 a.m. in the Engineering & Technology Center Oklahoma Conference Room. Proposed Agenda Final Agenda Approved Minutes

GRDA Power For Progress Column April 8, 2019

Room For Our Feathered Friends Since it began operations in the early 1980s, the Grand River Dam Authority’s Grand River Energy Center (GREC) has seen a lot of people pass through its doors. After all, it takes a large team to operate this facility 24/7/365. Home to nearly 1,000 megawatts of electric generation capacity, the […]

Grand River Dam Authority Photo Release

GRDA Community Relations Officer Ed Ferguson (third from right) presents a $5,000 sponsorship check to Grove Chamber of Commerce President Donnie Crane and other members of the Grove Chamber. The funds will help support the upcoming “Toes In The Grand” Festival, to be held at Wolf Creek Park in Grove on Friday, May 31 and […]

GRDA Power For Progress Column March 25, 2019

A weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority GRDA and the benefits of hydroelectricity Since its beginning in 1935, the Grand River Dam Authority has been in the hydroelectricity business. After all, Pensacola Dam – Oklahoma’s first hydroelectric facility — was built to harness the waters of the Grand River, and the river has […]

Floodwater Release Bulletin

For Immediate Release: 3/18/19 At 9:30AM on Monday, March 18: • Grand Lake elevation was 745.40 feet. Daily target elevation for March 18 is 742 feet. • At the direction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, one (1) main gate was open at Pensacola Dam, discharging 8,167 cubic feet per second (cfs) of […]

GRDA’s Our Borrowed Water film to show in Langley

Open to the public, Monday, March 25, 6:30PM … A new documentary, detailing the importance of the Grand and Illinois River watersheds, is scheduled for a public viewing on March 25th. Entitled Our Borrowed Water, the film takes a closer look at some of the issues surrounding these waters while also illustrating their value through […]