Board of Directors

Chris Meyers
Oklahoma City, GM Okla. Assoc. of Electric Cooperatives
Chairman, Designee of the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives
Term: 8/29/10 – n/a
Committees: Fuel & Long ‐Range Planning

Paul Matthews
Edmond, Plumbing, Utilities, Real Estate
Appointed by Oklahoma Senate President Pro Tempore At-large director
Term: 8/30/22 – 8/29/27
Committees: Asset; Compensation & Marketing; Power Capacity Utilization Subcommittee

Michael Westbrock
Tulsa, Energy Marketing
Appointed by the Governor of Oklahoma
Term: 12/4/20 – 8/29/25
Committees: Assets, Fuel & Long‐Range Planning

John Rupe
Tulsa, Commercial development, construction
Chairman-Elect, Appointed by the Governor of Oklahoma
Term: 9/1/23 – 8/29/28
Committees: Audit, Finance, Budget, Policy, and Compliance; Compensation & Marketing

Tom Kimball
Owasso, Economic Development, Retail, Banking
Appointed by Oklahoma Speaker of the House
Term: 10/11/23 – 8/31/26
Committees: Assets, Marketing, and Compensation

Charles Sublett
Tulsa, Attorney
Appointed by the Governor of Oklahoma
Term: 8/30/24 – 8/29/29
Committees: Audit, Finance, Budget Policy and Compliance
GRDA is governed by a seven-member board of directors comprised of representatives from each GRDA customer class – municipals, electric cooperatives and industrials – as well as the GRDA lakes area. Senate confirmation is not required.
Two at-large representatives also sit on the board. Board members serve staggered, five-year terms, with one position opening each year, to ensure continuity.
GRDA is a policy driven organization. Directors utilize an active committee structure to make the most effective decisions and set the appropriate tone from the top.
Executive Management

Dan Sullivan
President/Chief Executive Officer

Tim Brown
Chief Operating Officer

Brian Edwards
Executive Vice President/Chief of Law Enforcement & Lake Operations

Heath Lofton
General Counsel

Nathan Reese
Executive Vice President/External Relations

Erik Feighner
Chief Financial Officer

Laura D. Hunter
Executive Vice President/
Chief Administrative Officer

John Wiscaver
Executive Vice President/
Strategic Communications

Sheila Allen
Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer
Corporate Secretary
Senior Management

Tony Dionisio
Chief Information Officer

Steve Jacoby
Vice President Generation Engineering/Support

Robert Ladd
Vice President Generation Operations

Darrell Townsend, PhD
Vice President Ecosystems & Watershed Management

Jeff Tullis
Vice President T&D Engineering & Operations

Stace Kegley
Manager of Compliance

Jeff Brown
Director of Financial Compliance