A recipe for kitchen safety …

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. With Thanksgiving Day 2020 upon us, many are planning to spend a lot of time in the kitchen over the next couple of days. If that is your plan, the Grand River Dam Authority wants to make sure you stay safe, so that […]

Tips for winterizing your boat

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. While the waters of Grand Lake, Lake Hudson and the W.R. Holway Reservoir can be inviting and scenic year-round, we realize it is getting closer to that time of year when some avid boaters are putting their vessels away for the upcoming winter […]

Notice to the Public

Please take notice that The Grand River Dam Authority has received an application for a private dock requiring directional bearing. Such directional bearing relates to a dock application for a private dock which if approved shall extend 89 feet across a cove. Applicant: Charles R. & Cindy R. Wood Location: Wood’s Cove Subdivision Lake Address: […]

Proud of our veteran team….

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. As we celebrate Veteran’s Day 2020, the Grand River Dam Authority once again uses this space to recognize a significant portion of our workforce that previously served in the United States Armed Forces. Today, they are electric linemen, mechanics, relay technicians, plant operators, […]

2020 November Board Meeting

The November board meeting will be held on Tuesday the 10th at 10:00 a.m. at the GRDA Training, Safety & Environmental Building. NOTE THIS WILL BE AN IN-PERSON MEETING, BUT WILL OFFER WEBEX ACCESS TO THOSE THAT PREFER NOT TO ATTEND IN PERSON (minus the directors). Proposed Agenda Final Agenda Approved Minutes

Space heater safety tips

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. The leaves are beginning to fall, the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are cooling. For many of us, this transition into the fall season also means we will be spending more and more time indoors for the next few months. As […]