State agencies partner to help homeowners in Grand, Hudson Watershed
The Grand River Dam Authority is partnering with the Oklahoma Conservation Commission and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) to offer septic system repair or replacement assistance to homeowners in the Grand Lake and Lake Hudson watersheds. Monies will come from a program managed by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) and the Conservation […]
Space Heater Safety
Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. While Oklahoma winters can move the temperatures up and down the thermometer from one day to the next, many people find that using space heaters is a quick, convenient way to hold off the chill when necessary. However, space heaters, when not used […]
GRDA Statement on Southwest Power Pool Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Declaration
GRDA was notified earlier this morning that the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) would be removing its Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) and downgrading to a conservative operations status. The entire SPP footprint will remain in conservative operations status until 10PM on Saturday, February 20. Under conservative operations, GRDA will continue to maintain a heightened sense of […]
GRDA Statement on Southwest Power Pool Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 1 Declaration
At 6:25PM, the Southwest Power Pool declared an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 1, meaning all available generation resources in its 14-state balancing authority area are committed to meet forecasted electricity demand. SPP had previously declared a period of conservative operations lasting until Saturday, Feb. 20 at 10:00 p.m. indicating that due to extreme weather, […]
GRDA Statement on Southwest Power Pool Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Declaration
GRDA was notified earlier this morning that at 9:30AM the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) would be removing its Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) and downgrading to a conservative operations status. The entire SPP footprint will remain in conservative operations status until 10PM on Saturday, February 20. Under conservative operations, GRDA will continue to maintain a heightened […]
GRDA Statement on Southwest Power Pool Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 2 Declaration
At approximately 6:20PM, the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) declared a return to an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 2. An EEA Level 2 requires SPP to direct its member utilities to issue public conservation appeals. This EEA2 alert will remain in effect until further notice to mitigate the risk of more widespread and longer-lasting outages. […]
GRDA Statement on Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) 1 Declaration
At 1:15PM today (February 17), the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) declared a return to an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 1, which indicates a return to more normal operations on the electric system. We do not have any interruptions of service on the GRDA system, and we do not anticipate we will see additional interruptions […]
GRDA discharge at Grand, Hudson- February 17 2 PM update
In response to a directive from the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), the Grand River Dam Authority begun added discharge of the Grand Lake conservation pool yesterday, Tuesday, February 16. This action was intended to provide for additional electric generation in the SPP footprint during this time of extreme and ongoing winter weather conditions. GRDA has […]
GRDA discharge at Grand, Hudson- February 17 1 PM update
Updated discharge conditions, Wednesday, February 17, 1 PM: In response to a directive from the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), the Grand River Dam Authority begun added discharge of the Grand Lake conservation pool yesterday, Tuesday, February 16. This action was intended to provide for additional electric generation in the SPP footprint during this time of […]
GRDA Statement on Southwest Power Pool Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 2 Declaration
At approximately 6:30PM, the Grand River Dam Authority received notification that the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) would be declaring an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 2 effective immediately. An EEA Level 2 requires SPP to direct its member utilities to issue public conservation appeals. This EEA2 alert will remain in effect until further notice to […]