Public Power by the numbers

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. In recognition of the upcoming National Public Power Week (October 3 – 9), the Grand River Dam Authority is taking the opportunity to share more information about public power and the many benefits it provides to the 49 million Americans receiving their electricity […]

2021 October Board Meeting

The October board meeting will be held on Wednesday the 13th at 10:00 a.m. at the GRDA Training, Safety & Environmental Building. Proposed Agenda Final Agenda Approved Minutes

GRDA announces temporary drawdown of Holway Reservoir

The Grand River Dam Authority is announcing that a temporary drawdown of the W.R. Holway Reservoir is set to begin on Monday, September 27. The reservoir, also known as Chimney Rock Reservoir, is part of GRDA’s Salina Pumped Storage Project (SPSP) hydroelectric facility, located along the Salina Creek arm of Lake Hudson. GRDA plans to […]

Safety tips for a new season

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. Maybe the weather is not fully cooperating just yet, but the calendar makes it official this week: fall has arrived. So as one season gives way to the next and fall returns for a visit, it is also a great time to revisit […]

Wagoner’s Elam is new GRDA Chairman

Wagoner City Administrator Dwayne Elam will lead the Grand River Dam Authority Board of Directors as chairman over the next 12 months. He began his tenure when the GRDA Board held its September 16 meeting in Claremore. Elam succeeds outgoing Chairman Mike Lewandowski (Afton). Charles Sublett (Tulsa) will serve as chair-elect during that period. A […]

Helping to keep it clean and scenic

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. “We will practice environmental awareness and promote conservation and reclamation of the natural resources under our control.” From its very creation in 1935, the Grand River Dam Authority was charged with a natural resource stewardship mission. Initially, that included the Grand River watershed. […]

Notice of Public Meeting

The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) will hold a public meeting on September 28, 2021, at 9:00 AM for a commercial application in the name of Serenity Point Resort. The purpose of this meeting is to obtain public comments regarding the replacement of the ship store and the addition of 8 new slips. GRDA wishes […]

No offseason for water safety

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. Although Labor Day 2021 is now in the rear-view mirror and the busiest part of the lake and river season is winding down, the Grand River Dam Authority Police Department never stops sharing the water safety message. In fact, our officers share this […]

GRDA Police: Boat & float safe, smart, and sober during Labor Day Holiday

The Grand River Dam Authority Police Department wants to remind those heading to the lakes or river of some important information that can help promote a safe time on the water. Whether visiting GRDA’s Grand Lake, Lake Hudson, or the scenic Illinois River, it is important to remember that enjoyable outings always start with boating […]

Initial Study Report Meeting

The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) will be holding the Initial Study Report (ISR) meeting for the Pensacola Project Relicensing Process as noted below: When: October 12-14, 2021 (Note: October 14th is a non-public meeting with the Cultural Resources Working Group Members Only) Time: 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM Held Virtually As a reminder, the […]