Notice to the Public – 2023 Rulemaking

Please be advised GRDA is proposing changes to its administrative rules. See the attached documents for further information. Ch. 1 Ops and Procedures  Ch 20 Acquisition Policy Chapter 35 Lake Rules  Chapter 40 Scenic Rivers Rules  NRI Chapter 1  NRI Chapter 20 NRI Chapter 35 NRI Chapter 40 Rule Impact Stmt Chapter 1  Rule Impact […]

Supporting our hometown celebrations

Power for Progress … a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority. Usually, you see the Grand River Dam Authority Police boats floating on the waters of Grand Lake and Lake Hudson or perhaps down the scenic Illinois River. However, during the holiday season, our officers change things up just a bit. As in […]

2022 December Board Meeting

The December board meeting will be held on Wednesday the 14th at 10:00 a.m. at the GRDA Administrative Building  in Chouteau, Ok. Proposed Agenda Final Agenda Approved Minutes

Holiday decoration safety

Tis the season to trim the tree and string the lights. However, as you are putting up those colorful decorations around the house, it is important to keep some electric safety tips in mind. Here are Twelve Holiday Safety Tips, from the Electric Safety Foundation International. Your friends at GRDA want you to stay safe […]