Electric safety tips for the changing seasons

It may be a little bit early to think about parking the lawnmower for the remainder of the year, but there has been a touch of fall in the air in recent weeks and soon enough, the calendar will make it official. As one season gives way to the next, it is always appropriate to […]

Notice of Public Meeting

NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING WARREN INVESTMENTS, LLC D/B/A MORROW’S DRIVE BOAT SLIPS The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) will hold a public meeting on Monday, September 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM regarding the commercial application for Warren Investments, LLC d/b/a Morrow’s Drive Boat Slips. The meeting will be held at GRDA’s Ecosystems & Education Center, […]

GRDA Police continue to stress boating, floating safety

As it looks back on an especially challenging summer of 2024, filled with multiple fatality accidents on the water, the Grand River Dam Authority Police Department continues to stress and reinforce its boating and water safety message. Since May, the department has responded to nine incidents that resulted in the loss of life on the […]

It all adds up to meet the mission

With schools back in session and students all across the region once again studying reading, writing and arithmetic, we thought it would be a suitable time to write about a few numbers of our own. As you read them, we do hope you can see how the many facets of the Grand River Dam Authority […]

Ready to Respond

Sometimes it happens because of the weather, sometimes it happens because of an animal, sometimes it happens because of an accident and sometimes it may happen because of an equipment failure for other reasons. The point is electrical outages can occur for a number of reasons. That is why it is so important for utilities […]

Electric safety for the new semester

Many area students return to the classroom this week or in the coming week. As that happens, families across Oklahoma are also moving back into their “school” routines and bidding goodbye to summer days. However, before we all get too settled into our new schedules, it’s a great time to revisit some important electric safety […]

Important contributors in the summertime

Every summer, the Grand River Dam Authority’s facilities become the backdrop for valuable work experience as summer employees temporarily join the workforce to supply an important helping hand. They arrive from several different backgrounds, with several different career goals and spend their summer days doing several different types of jobs. Some are familiar faces, some […]

GRDA Police encouraging safe outings on the lakes and river during July 4 holiday

Whether your holiday weekend plans take you to the waters of Grand Lake, Lake Hudson or the Scenic Illinois River, the Grand River Dam Authority Police Department is encouraging you to boat safe, smart, and sober. The Independence Day holiday is typically one of the busiest times on the lakes and river and 2024 should […]