Notice to the Public

Please take notice that The Grand River Dam Authority has received an application for a private dock requiring directional bearing. Such directional bearing relates to a dock application for a private dock which if approved shall extend 104 feet across a cove, which measures 127.4 feet across from 745 feet mean sea level to 745 […]

Notice to the Public

Please take notice that The Grand River Dam Authority has received an application for a private dock requiring directional bearing. Such directional bearing relates to a dock application for a private dock which if approved shall extend 154 feet across a cove, which measures 160 feet across from 745 feet mean sea level to 745 […]

Notice To The Public

Please take notice that The Grand River Dam Authority has received an application for a private dock requiring directional bearing. Such directional bearing relates to a dock application for a private dock which if approved shall extend 298 feet across a cove, which measures 130.9 feet across from 745 feet mean sea level to 745 […]


The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 9:30 AM regarding the commercial application for St. James Club. The meeting will be held at GRDA’s Ecosystems & Education Center, 420 E Highway 28, Langley, OK 74350. The purpose of this meeting is to obtain public comments […]

Notice To The Public

Please take notice that The Grand River Dam Authority has received an application for a private dock requiring directional bearing. Such directional bearing relates to a dock application for a private dock which if approved shall extend 101.7 feet across a cove, which measures 219.6 feet across from 745 feet mean sea level to 745 […]

Notice of Public Meeting

EL CABO HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION, INC AND EL CABO COMMUNITY DOCK, LLC The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) is in receipt of an application from El Cabo Homeowners’ Association, Inc and El Cabo Community Dock, LLC to add 4 boat slips and 16 PWC slips to the existing 10 slip dock.  The project is located in […]

Notice of Public Meeting

NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING WARREN INVESTMENTS, LLC D/B/A MORROW’S DRIVE BOAT SLIPS The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) will hold a public meeting on Monday, September 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM regarding the commercial application for Warren Investments, LLC d/b/a Morrow’s Drive Boat Slips. The meeting will be held at GRDA’s Ecosystems & Education Center, […]

Notice To The Public

Please take notice that The Grand River Dam Authority has received an application for a private dock requiring directional bearing. Such directional bearing relates to a dock application for a private dock which if approved shall extend 110 feet across a cove, which measures 94.05 feet across from 745 feet mean sea level to 745 […]

Notice to the Public

Please take notice that The Grand River Dam Authority has received an application for a private dock requiring directional bearing. Such directional bearing relates to a dock application for a private dock which if approved shall extend 130 feet across a cove, which measures 167 feet across from 745 feet mean sea level to 745 […]