Focused on efficiency ...
GRDA is committed to continuous improvements in efficiency, so we can always be providing the greatest benefits to our customers and all stakeholders.
- GRDA’s Unit 3 was the world’s most efficient 60 hertz power plant when it began commercial operations in 2017 and today, its efficient power production continues to benefit customers across a four-state region. Combined with our other gas, coal, water and wind generation assets, it gives GRDA a diverse and reliable generation portfolio. Every day, our system operations team strivesto operate this portfolio in the most efficient manner possible, to benefit our customers across a four-state region.
- New approaches to resource planning, maintenance programs and even job classifications, have resulted in greater efficienciestied to real cost-savings, reduced downtime and smarter employee recruitment strategies.
- Staffing optimization efforts at theGrand River Energy Center reduced overtime hours per pay period by roughly 72 percent in a four-year period. Meanwhile, the implementation of new maintenance scheduling initiatives and a GREC mobile asset management program continue to save both time and money.
- In the Hydro Department, the implementation of a new employee mentoring process and the development of a new multi-craft apprentice program continues to allow GRDA to retain the knowledge of veteran employees nearing retirement while also eliminating the “silos” among specific crafts. As a result, overtime costs and payroll expenses decreased while corrective maintenance reporting improved.
- GRDA is not only committed to efficiency in all phases of its operations but also committed to reliability, safety and sound business practices. Since 2019, the American Public Power Association (APPA) has recognized GRDA as an “Reliable Public Power Provider” or RP3 utility. According to APPA, the RP3 designation, which lasts for three years, recognizes public power utilities that demonstrate proficiency in four key disciplines: reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement. Criteria include sound business practices and a utility-wide commitment to safe and reliable delivery of electricity. GRDA has received the RP3 designation twice, in 2019 and again in 2022.