Electric safety and the new semester
Aug 11, 2020

Whether the classroom is real or virtual this semester, GRDA wants to share some electric safety tips that could help you stay safe in the new semester.
Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority.
It’s back to school time across Oklahoma and that means thousands of parents and students alike have shifted out of their summer mode and back into the classroom (or perhaps the virtual classroom) mode. However, no matter what the uncertainties might be surrounding the upcoming school year, one thing is always certain: electric safety should be a priority.
Whether your child is in kindergarten, college or somewhere in between, the Grand River Dam Authority wants them to be safe this semester. So here are some safety tips to keep in mind no matter where the classroom might be.
- Setting up a new computer workstation for homework, or maybe organizing your electronics in the dorm room? Do NOT nail or staple extension cords to walls or baseboard. And if any cords are frayed or damaged, replace them.
- If you need extension cords in the dorm room, remember to use only cords which have been approved by an independent testing laboratory. Also, make sure they have been properly rated for their intended use. Finally, don’t run them under rugs or through doorways.
- NEVER put a paperclip, a pencil or any other items like that into an electrical outlet.
- Do you have a new driver in the family that will be driving back and forth from school for the first time? Remind them to watch carefully for any utility crews at work along their route to school.
- For parents of younger students: Will your kids be walking to and from the bus stop or school? Make sure they know to stay well clear of all high voltage electrical components along the route as well.
Your friends at GRDA want you to stay safe and have a great school year!
GRDA is Oklahoma’s largest public power utility; fully funded by revenues from electric and water sales instead of taxes. Each day, GRDA strives to be an “Oklahoma agency of excellence” by focusing on the 5 E’s: electricity, economic development, environmental stewardship, employees and efficiency.