GRDA Recognized for electric restoration efforts
Dec 16, 2020

A GRDA lineman works atop a distribution pole in the Oklahoma public power community of Edmond. GRDA crews provided mutual aid in Edmond following an October ice storm, to help repair the community’s electric distribution system. GRDA was recently recognized by the American Public Power Association for its mutual aid efforts.
The Grand River Dam Authority has received a national commendation from the American Public Power Association for its support in electric power restoration efforts following an Oklahoma ice storm and Louisiana hurricane, both in October.
In early October, Hurricane Delta struck Louisiana, causing significant damage to the Lafayette Louisiana Utilities (LUS) electric distribution system. Even as the hurricane was moving through, GRDA crews were in route to provide restoration assistance to LUS. That mutual aid assistance was coordinated through the APPA’s nationwide mutual aid network.
Later in the month the ice storm – an October rarity for Oklahoma – moved across the central part of the state, causing extensive damage and leaving as many as 300,000 residents without electricity. The public power community of Edmond, north of Oklahoma City, was among the hardest areas hit.
Again GRDA provided mutual aid as crews helped repair the municipally-owned distribution system. GRDA also provided assistance to its wholesale customer communities of Pawnee and Cushing in the days following the storm.
The APPA Mutual Aid Commendation was established in 2018 to recognize public power utilities that have answered the call for assistance and aided another community in restoring power to its customers. GRDA has provided mutual aid both in-state and to other utilities across the nation, several times in recent years.
GRDA is Oklahoma’s largest public power utility; fully funded by revenues from electric and water sales instead of taxes. Each day, GRDA strives to be an “Oklahoma agency of excellence” by focusing on the 5 E’s: electricity, economic development, environmental stewardship, employees and efficiency.