Boat Safety
Kyle Williams Boating Safety Education Act
The Kyle Williams Boating Safety Education Act prohibits kids between the ages of 12 and up to 16 years old, without a valid driver’s license, from operating any vessel powered by a motor of more than 10 horsepower or a sailing vessel 16-feet or longer without first completing a state approved Boater Safety Course.
They must also have a certificate documenting their completion of the course. Fines for violating this new law range from $50-$500. Our goal is to help you make sure your family is safe while having fun and in compliance with the law.
GRDA is currently unable to offer the courses in-person. However, anyone needing to take the course, can do so online free-of-charge at BoatUS Online Training.
For additional information regarding certification, please contact GRDA Police Sergeant Cody Marquis at [email protected] or 918-960-2268.
Vessel Safety Check Program
The Grand Lake Sail & Power Squadron has a Vessel Safety Check Program offering free boat inspections for the Grand Lake area. For more information visit www.grandlakeusps.com or call 1-918-786-4830.
Life Jackets Save Lives

GRDA’s Life Jacket Brochure is a guide to the proper selection, fit, and use of a life jacket.
Safety First Around Our Dams
Safety around its hydroelectric facilities is a top priority for the Grand River Dam Authority. Signs, buoys, sirens, fencing and flashing lights are all intended to notify those in the area when floodgates are open, generators are operating or water is rising swiftly.
Signs – Posted at GRDA hydroelectric facility (Pensacola Dam, Robert S. Kerr Dam, and the Salina Pumped Storage Project) to warn of extreme danger in floodgate areas. Please be aware of other signs near GRDA facilities that notify you of no trespassing areas, no diving areas, or unstable footing.
Buoys – Red buoys and cabling above and below spillway gates and hydroelectric powerhouse restrict access to dangerous areas associated with power generation or floodgate releases.
Flashing Lights – At hydroelectric facilities, the flashing lights are initiated when floodgates are opened or generation is initiated.
Fencing – In place to identify borders and to restrict access to certain areas near the hydroelectric facilities.
Sirens – These are located at various locations on the hydroelectric facilities and are utilized prior to the operation of hydroelectric generators and/or floodgates.
Grand Lake Lighthouses – As navigational aids, several lighthouses are located on Grand Lake, around the shoreline and in areas of shallow water. The Grand River Dam Authority has an ongoing maintenance program in place to ensure the lighthouses are functioning properly.
If you have concerns regarding the lighthouses on Grand Lake, please contact GRDA at 918-256-0644.