Safety tips for electric blankets, heating pads
Jan 10, 2020

Safe and warm … Using an electric blanket or electric heating pad to stay warm on cold winter nights? If so, the Grand River Dam Authority wants to share some important safety tips with you.
Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority.
So far, the weather in 2020 has been fairly mild, but if you live in Oklahoma, you know that can change pretty quick, not just from day to day but even hour to hour. While some days may be pleasant, the cold air can still arrive after dark, leading many of us to raise the thermostat just a bit. At the same time, we may be also reaching for those electric blankets and heating pads.
If that is your normal routine, the Grand River Dam Authority hopes you will keep these important safety tips in mind. We have shared them in past years, but January seems like a good time to revisit this important information from the Electric Safety Foundation International (
- Before using either an electric blanket or electric heating pad, be sure to look for dark, charred or frayed spots on the item or its electric cord. If you find any of these conditions, replace it.
- Heating pads and electric blankets are the source for almost 500 fires each year and in almost every one of these fires, the blanket or pad was more than ten years old. If it’s worn, replace it.
- Remember, when covered by anything, including other blankets, pets, etc., an electric blanket may overheat. Do not allow anything on top of it when it is in use.
- Also, never fold electric blankets when in use. Blankets that are folded or tucked in could overheat and cause a fire.
- Finally, these blankets and pads should never be left unattended or used while sleeping.
Keep these tips in mind and stay warm, and safe, this winter, For more electric safety tips, visit
GRDA is Oklahoma’s state-owned electric utility, funded by revenues from electric and water sales. GRDA strives to be an “Oklahoma agency of excellence” by focusing on the 5E’s: electricity, economic development, environmental stewardship, employees and efficiency.