Media Kit
GRDA media kit is a promotional material collection showcasing the company’s brand and photos. This access includes downloadable images, videos, press releases, and other relevant information to help you use our brand and assets, including our logo, content, and trademarks, without having to negotiate legal agreements for each use.
Social Media
Special Announcement
Pensacola Dam Construction Project
September 03, 2020
For more information from ODOT click here, for Traffic Advisories click here.
Notice of Public Meeting
August 06, 2020
The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) will hold a public meeting on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 10:00 AM via Cisco Webex for the commercial application in the name of Iron Horse Landing Marina & Resort. The purpose of this meeting is to obtain public comments regarding the construction of a new marina near Salina, […]
Temporary navigation controls for Aug. 1 Duck Creek event
July 29, 2020
The Grand River Dam Authority Police Department will be implementing temporary navigation controls in the Duck Creek arm of Grand Lake on Saturday, August 1 for a special event. The Harbors View Raft Out on-water concert will be held from 1 to 5 PM in front of the Harbors View Marina, on the north end […]
Registration still open for controlled fall hunts
July 07, 2020
The Grand River Dam Authority is reminding prospective hunters that there is still time to register for fall controlled hunts on GRDA property in Ottawa County. Registration, which can be done online, is open through July 31. Those interested in the hunts can access the online registration at www.grda.com/ecosystems-watershed-management. This page allows users to sign […]
Notice of Public Meeting
July 07, 2020
GRDA Police remind visitors to boat and float safe, smart and sober
July 02, 2020
Whether your July 4 weekend plans are to head to Grand Lake, Lake Hudson or the Illinois River, the Grand River Dam Authority Police Department is reminding you to boat and float, safe, smart and sober. While visitors are encourage to practice safe social distancing, they are also encouraged to practice safety on the water […]
GRDA Police remind boaters of special July 4 Duck Creek rules
July 01, 2020
As the busy July 4 holiday approaches, the Grand River Dam Authority Police Department is reminding Grand Lake visitors of the special Duck Creek rules in place for the holiday weekend. Not only are these rules in place to help promote safe outings on one of the busiest lake days of the summer, but also […]
GRDA encourages area residents to be Guardians of the Grand
June 25, 2020
The Grand River Dam Authority’s Ecosystems and Watershed Management Department is excited to introduce the Guard the Grand Watershed Conservation Program. Through several workshops, planned for July and August, it will be rolling out the program to the public. The purpose of the program is to inform area residents on issues surrounding the Grand […]
GRDA offering free workshops for educators in watershed
June 17, 2020
The Grand River Dam Authority is hosting two one-day workshops for teachers in the Grand Lake watershed on Monday, July 20 and Wednesday, July 22 at the Ecosystems and Education Center in Langley. The main audience for the workshops is fourth grade teachers; however, any teacher in one of the schools located within the Grand […]
Notice to the Public
June 09, 2020