
Sharing information, celebrating partnerships

Feb 27, 2020

GRDA President Dan Sullivan addresses customers at the Authority’s 2020 wholesale customer meeting, held on Wednesday, February 19, at Northeastern State University’s Broken Arrow campus.

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority.

Each February, the Grand River Dam Authority takes the opportunity to meet with dozens of individuals who help to power Oklahoma’s important economic development engines.

Of course, these individuals also happen to represent GRDA’s customers, including Oklahoma municipals, electric cooperatives and industries. Each day, they are in charge of the operations that provide electricity to Oklahoma citizens in 15 communities, as well as electric cooperative customers in the state and off-system customers across a four-state region. They are also responsible for the important industry and manufacturing operations that help drive Oklahoma’s economy from their operations located in the MidAmerica Industrial Park.

While these customer segments and operations are different, one thing they certainly have in common is their relationship with GRDA. It is because of that relationship that GRDA holds the annual meetings to discuss the issues of the year ahead, to provide updates on ongoing system improvements, to share its 10-year financial forecast and to answer any questions or concerns from its ratepayers.

This kind of open and ongoing communication with customers is integral to GRDA’s mission and operations.  After all, many of the municipals represented at these meetings have been in partnership with GRDA for over 60 years and some have even surpassed the 70 year mark. Long-term relationships like that are built not only on the benefits of reliable electricity and the economic boost it provides, but also on communications.

GRDA and its employees are proud to be a part of an operation that exists to serve the communities, cooperatives, industries and people of Oklahoma.

GRDA is Oklahoma’s state-owned electric utility; fully funded by revenues from electric and water sales instead of taxes. Each day, GRDA strives to be an “Oklahoma agency of excellence” by focusing on the 5 E’s: electricity, economic development, environmental stewardship, employees and efficiency.

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