
A few final electrical safety tips

May 27, 2021

GRDA is recognizing May as National Electrical Safety Month by sharing important safety tips all month long. This week, we wrap up our month-long series on electrical safety with a few final tips.

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority.

May is National Electrical Safety Month and the Grand River Dam Authority is proud to join with the Electrical Safety Foundation International in promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace. Electricity is something we take for granted, but using it safely is very important. By following a few simple rules, the number of injuries, fatalities, and fires caused by electrical accidents each year can be reduced. As we wrap up this series of May columns focused on electrical safety, we want to use this space to share a few final tips from Consider sharing these with everyone in your family, including your children:

ESFI Electrical Safety Tips:

Your friends at GRDA want you to stay safe.

GRDA is Oklahoma’s largest public power electric utility; fully funded by revenues from electric and water sales instead of taxes. Each day, GRDA strives to be an “Oklahoma agency of excellence” by focusing on the 5 E’s: electricity, economic development, environmental stewardship, employees, and efficiency.