GRDA Police offer floating tips for Memorial Day weekend visitors
May 24, 2021

Memorial Day on the river … Headed to the scenic Illinois River to celebrate the Memorial Day holiday? The GRDA Police Department reminds you to Float Safe, Float Smart and Float Sober. GRDA Police are also passing along some DOs and DON’Ts to help promote safe outings.
The Grand River Dam Authority Police Department wants to remind those heading to the scenic Illinois River for the Memorial Day holiday of some important information that can help promote a safe time on the water.
Everyone is encouraged to come out and have a great time, but it is important to remember that enjoyable outings always start with floating safe, smart, and sober.
GRDA Police are sharing the following “Do’s and Don’ts” to keep in mind while you enjoy the scenic Illinois River.
- DO let the commercial float operator know if anyone in the party is a first-time or novice floater(s). They may be able to pair them with an experienced paddler/floater or float the person in a raft where there is a lesser chance for capsizing.
- DON’T dive into the river from bridges, bluffs, stream banks and trees.
- DO respect the weather and the water. If tired while floating, take a break on the bank or a gravel bar to rest.
- DON’T swim or boat alone. Stay within sight of companions.
- DO camp only in designated areas.
- DON’T take anything on a float trip that could be lost in the river. Check car keys and other personal effects with the commercial float operator for safe keeping.
- DO be mindful that – due to recent high-water conditions – the river may contain some debris that presents navigational hazards.
For more information, contact the GRDA Scenic River Operations office at 918-456-3251. The office is located at 15971 N. Highway 10 in Tahlequah. For an emergency on the water, please call 911. The GRDA Police Department’s non-emergency number is 918-256-0911.