GRDA Police offer safe boating, floating tips for July 4 holiday
Jun 30, 2021

If your holiday weekend plans include a trip to Grand or Hudson lakes, the Grand River Dam Authority Police Department wants to pass along some important safety tips that can help promote a fun, memorable outing.
As water enthusiasts across the region gear up for the July 4 holiday weekend on Grand Lake, Lake Hudson and the scenic Illinois River, the Grand River Dam Authority Police Department wants to help them stay safe during their visit.
Of course, boating, and floating, safe, smart, and sober is the best way to promote fun outings on the water. However, there are several other things you can do to make safety a priority while still enjoying your visit.
Due to recent heavy rains and inflows into the Grand River system, it is likely that lake levels will be above normal during the holiday weekend. Because of these current conditions, GRDA Police are urging boaters to use extreme caution when visiting Grand and Hudson lakes. Keep these important safety tips in mind:
- Be aware of floating debris. Higher lake levels can mean more driftwood and debris floating in the water. Please be on the lookout as you are boating.
- Watch your wake. With elevated lake levels, boat wakes can roll up onto neighboring properties, and possibly cause damage to areas that are normally above the water line. All boat operators are responsible for their wakes. Be mindful of yours and watch out for your neighbor.
- Be mindful of the changing shoreline topography and the possibility of now-submerged structures. Things like stumps, picnic tables, retaining walls and other structures typically located along the shoreline may now be submerged due to the lake levels. Use extreme caution and avoid unfamiliar areas of the shoreline.
- Stay away from floodgates and spillways. There is a chance that floodgates could be open at both Pensacola Dam (Grand Lake) and Robert S. Kerr Dam (Lake Hudson) as you are boating. If that is the case, please observe the buoys designating the spillway areas and allow plenty of distance between those locations and your boat.
- Do not go into spillway areas below the dam. Please use common sense and stay away from areas below floodgates where water is being released. It is against the law to enter floodwater discharge. Besides, the swift water can be very dangerous.

Headed to the waters of the scenic Illinois River for the holiday weekend? If so, the Grand River Dam Authority Police Department wants to share some important tips that can contribute to safe float trip.
Additionally, here are a few safety tips to keep in mind anytime you visit the lakes or the Illinois River:
- Before hitting the water, check the weather conditions. Do not get caught on the river or the lake in a storm that could have been avoided.
- Before leaving the dock, know the stability, load capability and handling of the vessel. Remember, every boat is different. Check the water conditions and know where hazards like sandbars and stump beds are located.
- River floaters are reminded to let the commercial float operator know if anyone in the party is a first-time or novice floater(s). They may be able to pair them with an experienced paddler/floater or float the group in a raft where there is a lesser chance for capsizing.
- Airplane pilots file a flight plan; boaters need a float plan. Tell someone responsible where the group is going and when they expect to return.
- Do not drink and boat. Most lake accidents are alcohol related. Do not become a statistic.
- Never dive into the river from bridges, bluffs, stream banks and trees.
- If you get tired while floating, take a break on the bank or on a gravel bar to rest.
- Never swim, boat, or float alone. Stay within sight of companions.
- Do not take anything on a float trip that could be lost in the river. Check car keys and other personal effects with the commercial float operator for safe keeping.
- On Grand Lake, be mindful of the special boating rules in place for July 4 on Duck Creek. More information can be found on GRDA’s Facebook page and at
As weather conditions warrant, GRDA posts floodwater release bulletins and Illinois River advisories on its Facebook page. You can also find the latest lake level information on the “Lake Levels” link on
For more information about the GRDA Police Department or how an officer can assist the public, contact the department at 918-256-0911.
For those who need assistance from their boat, the GRDA Police Department said to call 911. Those who do not have a cell phone available can radio the GRDA Police on Marine Band 16.