
GRDA Statement on Imminent Coordinated Interruption of Service Directive

Feb 15, 2021

The Grand River Dam Authority just received notification that the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), the electric balancing market for a 17-state region, would be ordering members to implement coordinated interruptions to service.  


This follows on the heels of SPP’s earlier EEA Level 3 declaration. Alert Level 3 is the highest alert level that SPP uses in a situation of energy shortage. 


GRDA anticipates that it will be forced into a load shed scenario at the request of SPP in order to balance generation and load, and maintain system stability, across the region. Not all GRDA customers will be affected at one time, but on a rotational basis this action may negatively impact power delivery to some GRDA customers, resulting in a controlled interruption of service that may persist for an hour or longer.  


Further conservation of energy across the SPP footprint is being pursued as a means to reduce the need for further interruptions. The purpose of this plan is to control and manage the situation to ensure the best outcome in not having a more widespread interruption of service. 


GRDA System Operations will be in contact with representatives of utility systems served by GRDA in advance of these interruptions.   


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