
Recognizing “Lakes Appreciation Month”

Jul 15, 2020

July is Lakes Appreciation Month … This week, GRDA passes along some tips lake users should keep in mind to not only show their appreciation for Oklahoma’s beautiful lakes but also help protect these waters for future generations.

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority.

July is recognized as “Lakes Appreciation Month” and the Grand River Dam Authority is proud to join in celebrating the important roles lakes play in our everyday lives. For water supplies, flood control, recreation, hydroelectricity and other uses, thousands of Oklahomans depend on the waters of Grand and Hudson lakes. Because of that, we wanted to pass along some simple tips to area landowners and lake users. These are things everyone can do to not only show their appreciation for Oklahoma’s beautiful lakes but also help protect these waters for future generations.

These are just some of the things you can do to help protect lakes. For more information on how you can get involved in GRDA’s “Guard the Grand” program, visit and scroll down to the Resources section.