Spotlight on Team GRDA: GRDA Procurement Department
Apr 22, 2020

GRDA Senior Contracting and Acquisitions Agent Leah Price (seated) visits with linemen Steve Willis (left) and Jason Hensley during a 2019 GRDA Safety Fair. Price and the other members of the GRDA Procurement Department play a key role in the Authority’s ability to meet its 5E mission on a daily basis.
Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority.
For the Grand River Dam Authority to meet its mission on a daily basis, it requires teamwork, dedication, skill, coordination and of course, the right tools, materials and services to get the job done.
Each and every day, the GRDA Procurement Department plays a key role in making sure those items are where they are needed, when they are needed. The department works to acquire the products and services required by all other GRDA departments to maintain operations of GRDA facilities and to always meet the overall GRDA mission. Managing the GRDA purchasing card (PCard) and declining balance card program for safety clothing are also responsibilities of GRDA Procurement.
Additionally, the department works to ensure compliance and efficiency by locating and procuring cost-effective lodging, airfare, and transportation accommodations that meet the required deadlines for official GRDA business travel. That is a key part of GRDA’s overall efficiency mission.
Recently, the department has worked to enhance efficiency even more by implementing an online bidding room for construction and service related solicitations. This allow for access to a large vendor thus, better pricing.
The important roles filled by the 10-member department continue to help GRDA produce and deliver electricity, carry out its environmental stewardship role, and promote economic development across Oklahoma, all while doing it in the most efficient manner possible.
GRDA is Oklahoma’s state-owned electric utility; fully funded by revenues from electric and water sales instead of taxes. Each day, GRDA strives to be an “Oklahoma agency of excellence” by focusing on the 5 E’s: electricity, economic development, environmental stewardship, employees and efficiency.