
Stay safe, stay clear of downed power lines

Mar 12, 2020

A scene to avoid … If spring storms happen to bring down power lines in your area, stay well clear of them. This week GRDA passes along some other important safety tips for how to deal with this situation.

Power for Progress… a weekly column from the Grand River Dam Authority.

Weather-wise, early March can mean many different things in Oklahoma. Maybe it still feels like winter or maybe it feels more like spring. More often than not though, the wind is likely blowing, no matter what the temperature.

And during a month that can come in like a lamb and go out like a lion (or vice versa) it is important to remember the impact that wind and weather can sometimes have on power lines. Although utility personnel work very hard to maintain the power systems, Mother Nature sometimes has different plans. So, during this time of the year when both winds and maybe even ice are still possible, GRDA wants to once again share a few seasonal safety tips, related to downed power lines, from the Electric Safety Foundation International (

These are just a few tips to keep in mind; for more electric safety tips, visit  All of Team GRDA encourages you to stay safe!

GRDA is Oklahoma’s state-owned electric utility; fully funded by revenues from electric and water sales instead of taxes. Each day, GRDA strives to be an “Oklahoma agency of excellence” by focusing on the 5 E’s: electricity, economic development, environmental stewardship, employees and efficiency.


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